DEA /SFA Courses: Performance Measurement Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) & Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)

DEA Course:SFA Course:
Sunday, June 9, 2024
– 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
Monday, June 10, 2024 – 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis & Professor Ali Emrouznejad
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
– 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
June 13, 2024
– 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
June 14, 2024
– 13.00 to 17.30 (UK time)
Professor Emmanuel Thanassoulis & Dr Dimitris Giraleas

Places are limited and will be allocated by order of receipt of registration fees.

Deadline for registration: June 10, 2024.

Early registration fee: Pay before May 31, 2024 to get discount.

Method of teaching:
Online – MS TEAMS


DEA Course:SFA Course:
The aim of this course is to enable participants to understand the fundamentals  of  Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)  as a general purpose method for efficiency and productivity analysis in complex multi – output and multi- input contexts in the production of goods and services. The course will cover both the theory and the actual use of DEA. Sample real life and simulated contexts will be used. Apart from the classical DEA models under constant and variable returns to scale, the course will cover models for assessing productivity change over time, for incorporating value judgements in DEA, for target setting and for exploiting economies of scale etc..  (See the outline of course content below.) The course will use various areas of application drawn from the real life experience of the presenters and from the interests of the participants to illustrate approaches. The PIM DEA software  ( will be used for hands on sessions by participants.The aim of this course is to introduce participants to the process of devising econometric/regression-based models that describe economic transformation processes (i.e. processes that produce goods or services) and on how to extract useful information from these models, especially relating to performance. The course will provide a practical introduction to theory, in order for the participants to understand the why behind the modelling process, followed by practical examples/case studies of how these processes can be used in real life. More specifically, the course will cover the basics of Economic Production theory (functions and estimation), deterministic methods for assessing efficiency (Corrected and Modified OLS), stochastic frontier analysis (MLE and Method of Moments) and panel data methods for efficiency and productivity analysis. There will be applications that demonstrate how these tools/techniques can be applied in practice, based on case studies drawn from consultancy projects. The applications will utilise the STATA statistical software package and the participants will receive the code used in the demonstrations directly (as a STATA .do file).


Emmanuel Thanassoulis – Emeritus Professor in Management Sciences, (Aston University, Birmingham, UK).

Emmanuel is a world authority on the key method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and its use within the field of efficiency and productivity measurement. He has published  numerous papers on DEA  in top rated academic journals, has authored  Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software  (Springer),   and  co-authored ‘DEA – The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth (Oxford University Press). He has served  on the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Operational Research, a top rated journal for learned publications in the field of efficiency and productivity analysis. He has developed DEA Software and has offered advice on efficiency measurement to a variety of organisations including the consultancy Partnership Oxera (, the UK Department for Education and Skills, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Home Office, the Audit Commission, OFWAT (water regulator in England and Wales), Transco,  Severn Trent Water, and to Transmission Service Operators  Netze BW (Germany), Terranets (Germany) and GTS (Holland)..

Ali Emrouznejad – Professor of Business Analytics (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK)
Ali is a Professor of Business Analytics and Director of Centre for Business Analytics in Practice at Surrey Business School, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. Professor  Emrouznejad is Editor of Annals of Operations Research, Associate Editor of Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Associate Editor of IMA journal of Management Mathematics, Associate Editor of RAIRO Operations Research Journal, Senior Editor of the Data Envelopment Analysis journal, and member of editorial boards in several other scientific journals. He has published over 100 articles in top ranked journals, he has also published several DEA books including “Performance Measurement with Fuzzy DEA” (Springer) and “Managing Service Productivity” (Springer). Dr Emrouznejad has delivered training courses in UK< France, Hongkong, China, Peru, and many other countries. He has worked on several DEA projects around the world including assessment of Higher education in UK, assessment of health services in Kenya or South Africa, environmental assessment in China, etc…. He is also co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM-DEA ( and founder of the DEA webpage,

Dimitris Giraleas – Senior Lecturer in Business Statistics s (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK)
Dr Dimitris Giraleas is Senior Lecturer in Business Statistics in Surrey Business School, Guildford, UK and the Programme Director of the Undergraduate Business Analytics degree programme. He teaches Performance Analytics, Statistics for Business, Applications of Business analytics and Soft Systems Methodology at both the undergraduate and post graduate level. Prior to joining academia, Dimitris was a business and economics consultant and he currently has almost 30 years of experience in the field of quantitative consultancy in Europe including the United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands and Germany. His main areas of expertise are Performance Analytics, Economic Regulation and Econometric and Mathematical Modelling. He has been involved in all water and energy price determinations in the UK since 2002 and has recently advised energy and water companies on matters of efficiency and productivity analysis, feeding directly to their cases to the UK Competition and Markets Authority (2019-2021)..

Who should participate?

Those interested in learning the fundamentals of DEA/SFA as well as its more advanced features.  The course will have sessions that start with the theoretical underpinnings of DEA/SFA and progress to more advanced concepts. Theoretical sessions will be interspersed with sessions which implement the theory on real or simulated  data.  Participants will be able to run the PIM DEA software (see below) in order to have hands-on experience in using DEA/SFA.  In past runs of this course participants have included practitioners from a number of sectors including, regulation, banking, health services, education and other government services.  Research and postgraduate students have also attended the course.

Free Access to DEA Software

PIM-DEA software:

As part of this course all participants will be given free 30 days licence with all features of the PIM-DEA, limited to 100 comparative units. The licence and installation instructions will be sent to you 2 days before the course starts.

Details about this software is available at

The SFA course utilises STATA for its hands-on sessions. Due to individual countries having their own STATA distributors, we unfortunately cannot provide access to the software. However, demonstration versions of STATA are available in the majority of countries. Please see , in order to find your own local distributor.

Teaching Schedule

DEA Course:SFA Course:
Day 1:
– Understand the basic principles of DEA. Classical DEA models including dealing with varying types of returns to scale.  
– An introduction to DEA software.
Basic DEA models for measuring efficiency in multi-input multi-output situations.
– Advanced DEA models including fixed variables such as environment, capital assets
Hands on session using DEA software.
Day 2:
– Assessment under variable returns to scale, scale efficiency, most productive scale size and target setting.
– Alternative approaches to measuring productivity change over time at company and at sector level; technical versus cost productivity change. 
Day 3:
– Further extensions of DEA including comparisons of groups of operating units, clustering of units and combining DEA and regression analysis in efficiency assessments.
– Illustrative applications of DEA drawn from real life contexts, including from delegates’ work experience.
– Hands on session  using advanced features of PIM-DEA software.
Day 1:
– Introduction to performance measurement
– The basics of production theory and how to represent transformation functions
– Estimation of transformation functions (hands-on)
Day 2:
– From transformation function to frontier Deterministic approaches
– Case study on assessing efficiency using deterministic frontiers (hands-on)
– Introduction to Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)
Day 3:
– Case study on assessing efficiency using SFA (hands-on)
– The use of panel data for efficiency and productivity analysis and how to measure productivity growth using frontier-based econometric methods
– Overview of more advanced topics in SFA
– Practical advice on efficiency measurement and discussion of issues brought up by course participants

Fees / Payment / Registration

Payment is required in full upon registration. This can be made via PayPal either through a PayPal account or, if you do not have one, by major credit / debit cards.

By registering you accept that you have read and agree to the “Short Course Terms and Conditions”.

This course runs online (using MS TEAM Software) and so you should have internet connection. If there is any issue with the payment system please contact Prof Emmanuel Thanassoulis.

Early registration fee
DEA Course only (3 days)
(Pay before May 31, 2024)
£ 595
Click to PAY
£ 990
Click to PAY
Please send an email to register for the next runFULLFULL
DEA Course only
(Register after June 1, 2024)
£ 645
Click to PAY
£ 1,190
Click to PAY
Early registration fee
SFA Course only (3 days)
(Pay before May 31, 2024)
£ 595
Click to PAY
£ 990
Click to PAY
SFA Course only
(Register after June 1, 2024)
£ 645
Click to PAY
£ 1,190
Click to PAY
Early registration fee
Both DEA & SFA Courses (6 days)
(Pay before May 31, 2024)
£ 1,090 (Saving £100)
Click to PAY
£ 1780 (Saving £200)
Click to PAY
Both DEA & SFA Courses (6 days)
(Register after June 1, 2024)
£ 1,190 (Saving £100)
Click to PAY
£ 1,990 (Saving £390)
Click to PAY

Short Course Terms and Conditions

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